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World Day of the Sick

Annual World Day of the Sick: February 11

The National Association of Catholic Chaplains has developed resources to help with the planning and celebration of World Day of the Sick. The resources include suggestions and prayers that can be used by individuals as well as by dioceses, parishes, health care institutions, and other organizations.

Elderly woman laying in hospital bed while practitioner consoles her by putting their hand on her shoulder

Message From Pope Francis

Every year Pope Francis commemorates the World Day of the Sick with a powerful message. This year Pope Francis centered his message on "Hope does not disappoint" (Rom 5:5), but strenghtens us in times of trial.  To view his full message please click on the link below.

NACC World Day of the Sick Prayer Cards

For over twenty years the NACC has published prayer cards for World Day of the Sick, for use in hospitals, hospices, long-term care facilities, parishes, and for anyone else interested in the spiritual needs of sick persons and caregivers. While we no longer print and distribute physical cards, the printable cards (in PDF format) are freely available on our website and we encourage members and other caregivers to download, print, share, use them!

World Day of the Sick Gathering

Healing, Help and A Continuum of Hope: A Day for Renewal and Enrichment 
Co-sponsored by the Catholic Health Association, National Association of Catholic Chaplains, Catholic Charities of St. Louis, and Archdiocese of St. Louis.

February 15, 2025
9am to 4:30pm Central Time
Cost:  $0

This is a hybrid event taking place at the Cardinal Rigali Center in St. Louis and via ZOOM.

Designed for those called to healing professions in service to the Church, join colleagues for a day of renewal to nurture your vocation as healers, draw strength from ministerial partners, and rediscover the power of hope to serve others on their pilgrim journey.

This gathering is open to: Chaplains, Social Workers, Case Managers, Mission and Formation Leaders, Clinicians, Lay Leaders.

Download the Agenda

The program is also accessible via Zoom. During registration, you can choose your preferred mode of participation. For in-person attendees, the day will conclude with Mass for World Day of the Sick at 5:30 p.m., celebrated by Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski in the St. Vincent de Paul Chapel at the Cardinal Rigali Center.

In-person registration is limited to 85 participants, while Zoom participation is unlimited.

Questions? Email CHA or call (800) 230-7823.