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Centering Prayer in Times of COVID

We come together this day, aware that COVID is everywhere and seems to be impacting more and more people in our world, country, hospitals, communities, neighborhoods and families. We take it all to heart.
We pray because we worry while we trust.
We pray because we are fearful yet know our inner courage.
We pray because we are uncertain and question yet we believe.
We pray because we laugh and we weep.
We pray as we walk forward and take a step backward.
These are uncertain times in every circle of work and love.
These are vulnerable times for everyone and most of us are good being present to vulnerability in others.
It is much harder to pause and to invite my own vulnerability to speak to my heart.

Please close your eyes and place your feet on the ground.
Place yourself in the presence of the Holy One.
Bring to mind or to heart all you have experienced this day, this week, during the last 6 months. And while you remember - Breath… Take a deep breath in … slowly exhale… take another deep breath in… slowly inhale and ever so slowly exhale.
Allow your own vulnerability to speak to you this moment.
Be Still.
What have you seen?
What story(ies) have a hold on your heart?
What are you feeling? Now listen ever so carefully to yourself.
What do you need from God at this moment in time?


If comfortable, speak your word aloud.

(some possibilities if needed - Compassion, energy, tenderness, strength, patience with myself, time to weep, time to mourn, time to rebuild, time to pray and play)

Prayers in Times of Illness