Ever Present Gift

Your birth in history, Lord, marks each beginning,
for You among us, then, sent to dwell
taught humanity the good of human living.
Your heart and will wholly to the Father directed
unto that last day in the flesh
commanding remembrance of the Gift given.
Your birth in mystery, Lord, awaits in the present
for men and women to utter “yes” to becoming.
Choose we may of His Presence to abide
though Creator sway gives to creature,
freedom respecting.
Partaking of Broken Bread and Blessed Wine, its worth
the soul acclaims. Adoring in surrender,
Incarnational living learns.
Your birth in majesty, Lord, is Victory eternal!
O Glorified One! O Highly Exulted Son! O Risen King!
Angels and saints, all heavens, Alleluia sing!
God in Christ Jesus His people restores
to the Kingdom of truth and justice
as creation was ordered before.

Prayers for Lent