Hyatt Regency Buffalo Hotel
Two Fountain Plaza
Buffalo, NY 14202
(888) 591-1234
$159 per night plus taxes (NACC conference rate)
Reservation Methods
Make your room reservation online or by calling the Hyatt reservation line (888) 591-1234.
To get the conference rate when calling, please mention Group Code: G-NAC2
Reservations must be made through the hotel methods (as listed above). Reservations made with third-party vendors such as Orbitz,, Priceline, and others, will NOT be accepted as they are not affiliated with the 2025 Conference hotel block. Please be advised that the 2025 Conference has not authorized any third-party housing services or third-party housing companies to represent the event and sell hotel rooms on our behalf. Only reserve your hotel room directly with the Conference hotel using the information listed above.
Reservation Deadline
Thursday, April 10, 2025 is the last date to book hotel room reservations at the special conference prices (if not previously sold out). After this date, the hotel will not hold our room block; therefore, these rates and availability of rooms will not be guaranteed.
Rooms with this special rate are limited, so please make your reservation early.
Roommate Service
The NACC offers a roommate referral service for those who are interested in sharing a room (and sharing the cost). Please visit this page to learn more.