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Day of Reflection (Retreat)

What Matters Most

Thursday, May 15, 2025
9am ET - 4pm ET

SunCliff Inn on the Lake
6892 Lake Shore Rd
Derby, NY 14047



Cost:  $120
Includes program, lunch, transportation.



As we juggle the demands of ministry and life, it can be easy to lose sight of what matters most in our lives. We may find ourselves feeling burned out, worn out, out of balance, or overwhelmed. It can be easy to start feeling like the “hamster on the wheel” running faster and faster yet not accomplishing anything, much less living or ministering with purpose. In this session, we’ll step off the wheel, reflect on what matters most in our lives, and learn how to abide with the Lord more fully and align our lives to the deep purpose God has planted in us.

The day of reflection will include short presentations, facilitated dialogue, time for guided personal reflection, small group sharing, and prayer.


Kathy Goller is a certified life and leadership coach who helps people who are stuck, stretched, or starting something new to get confident about their strengths and clear about what matters most so that they can live with purpose and make a greater impact on those they serve. Kathy has over twenty years of experience in diocesan ministry, holds a Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry, and brings a depth and breadth of experience in evangelization, discipleship, faith formation, youth ministry, and personal and leadership development. She is committed to mastery and has devoted her life to excellence and servant leadership. Kathy founded Teal Horizon Coaching LLC in 2022 to help others lead their whole lives with purpose.